Welcome to Lifestyle Tribe. We are so happy to assist you on your journey. To see if the Lifestyle Tribe method is a good fit for you, we have created a short assessment. There are 20 questions asking about 4 different life focus’: Social, Financial, Physical, and Personal.

During the quiz, please choose the answer that best aligns with your current feelings about where you are in that particular life focus. The best answer that suits where you are now will help us understand your needs, and help you on your journey to changing your life.

At the end of the quiz, we will send you your score and tell you where we can start!

Social: Relationships & Connections

This section of the assessment is to get an idea of how you handle your social connections. We want to makes sure that Lifestyle Tribe is a good fit for everyone and by completing the questions with the best answer that suits you, we can determine if the Lifestyle Tribe method is a good fit for you.

Required fields are marked *

1.Do you agree that you are maintaining strong connections with other women of your caliber? *
2.Are you likely to schedule in personal time for yourself? *
3.Do you feel that you can express yourself when you are frustrated or mad? *
4.Are you in a long-term relationship? *
5.Where are you at emotionally? *

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